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Open the gates to a better tomrrow:
Welcome to WHSS

Welcome to a place of magic.

Welcome to the school whose rooms see potentials being realized every day and lives being transformed.


Welcome to Wahaj Hussain School System, Karachi; a school following the Cambridge Curriculum and acclaimed as cradle of innovation in education in the city. If you are looking for system where mind, spirit and body are nurtured to be their best version, you have come to the right place. Explore the different facets of what makes us one of the most exciting, credible and leading name in the field of primary and secondary education

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Dean's Message

Sir wahaj

Thank you for taking out time to visit our website and giving us the opportunity to connect. WHSS is a birth child of a vision and that is to enable the youth of today to not only overcome the challenged for tomorrow but to go beyond. To shape the future.



Such a vision needs it fair share of resources and planning. It gives me immense satisfaction and pride to see what we have accomplished in the last 8 years. Acclaimed faculty with a proven track record and an experienced admin core, purpose-built facility, state of the art labs and library, sports facilities and a relentless passion to see our children become the leaders for tomorrow.


Hop on board and join us on the path of self-discovery and development.

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whss ethos button
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Top Notch Academic Performance

The hallmark of a school is the result it produces and Alhamdulillah, WHSS boasts one of the best results in CAIEs in the city. For the 2021 -2022, the number of As and their split is given as belows. This is a testament to the hard work of our students and the academic excellence we pursue in our classrooms through qualified and dedicated teachers.

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Cream of the Crop

Our students have made us proud over the years and we are proud to have been part of thier successes. Presenting below the cream of WHSS in the CAIEs 2022 -23 Session.

Number of students receiving As in O3


Number of students receiving As in O2


Number of students receiving As in O1


The complete gazette of our results can be downloaded from the link below:

For more success stories, please click on the years below:


Top Notch Faculty curating successful careers

Our teachers, our pride are qualified, well-repute