
Research Projects at WHSS
WHSS encourages its students to undertake research projects in order to inculcate analytical skills and the ability to process data. Today's world is about dealing with large bulk of data and convert it into actionable information. Teamwork and communication is an important underlying theme in all the projects done by students at WHSS. Scroll down to catch a glimpse of how our students develop as they tackle practical challenges

Team Project:
Mental Challenges faced by Obese People
The Students of 9B did a social awareness campaign on the mental challenges faced by Obese people especially in the Pakistani Context. The focus was on "Fat Shaming" and the negative connotation it may have for the victims. The Research process is given below along with the actual presentation of the project.

The Research Process and Awareness Campaign

Click on the PowerPoint presentation Below. Click on the slides to navigate.

Team Project: Expat Child Syndrome
Our students explored the very relatable issue of Non-Resident Pakistani's moving back and the impact this has on their children. The students of 9th B went miles ahead and researched this topic in depth and to spread the awareness on the "Expat Child Syndrome" (Yes this is a thing); they created animated videos and other collateral.
Click on the picture above to access the video.
Click on the PowerPoint presentation Below. Click on the slides to navigate.
Team Members:

Research Reports
The students at WHSS tackle real life issues and evaluate them using the process of academic research and writing. This not only increases their insight about how things work but it also equips them with academic skills which will be invaluable for their immediate future.
Scroll below to sample some of the finest work being produced by the students of WHSS.
Click on the Title to read the Research Reports.

Should the role of AI at workplace be celebrated?
This is the question which Zaina Mumtaz (Batch 2023) explores in a research paper which earned her an A* in the course Global Perspectives.

How reliable is our data privacy?
One of the most hotly debated issue of today and of the years to come is tackled by Maha Nawaz (Batch 2023). Maha uses a diverse set of information and perspectives to piece her arguments together. Top Notch Effort!

Wild Fires & Bio Diversity
Rabeeah Waseem of 10th B explores one of the very tangible manifestations of climate change: Forest Fires. She digs deep into the causes of the fires and how it affects biodiversity. More importantly , what it means for us.

Do we really need zoos?
Zoos are expensive to run and most are inhumane to the animals. So why do they exist? This thought provoking opinion piece is written by Fatima Noman of 10th A.