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The Society Managers Drive 

The Societies are run by Managers, a student who is selected by a Patron who happens to be a faculty member. The Manager then conducts a society drive in which the society is highlighted to students. A student can select only three societies to be a part of. 

The slideshow below captures the highlights from the Society Drives 2021-22

Ready to Grow?

Since the future is all about skills an competencies, a perfect platform to be ahead of the pack is to become a Society Manager. Great learning opportunity and looks great on your CV as well. The slideshow below gives you an ideas of the different skills you are exposed to and how can they make you become, a better you!


We are the champions!


BOLT: The Sports Society

Named after the legendary Usain Bolt, BOLT is more than a sports society. It is a mindset. The mindset to compete. To conquer and win. WHSS has a strong sports setup which not only extends to the the different in-house grounds and facilities but also includes coaches who have represented Pakistan abroad and made us proud.

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Testimonial from the Manager

"For me sports is not only a passion, its a life-choice. I want to excel in the field of sports and i regularly participate in competitions on city and provincial level. Therefore, being the manager for the sports society at WHSS, BOLT, was a great opportunity for me to learnt eh nuts and bolts of sports management. At a junior level, I get to interact with team, devise strategy, negotiate plans and lock horn with the coaches. Am sure, the experiences gained here, will lead me to higher places"

Shan Adnan
Manager, BOLT
Session 2021-22


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Facets of BOLT


Trainings are a regular feature of BOLT where fitness and training camps are arranged to keep you in shape and fighting form.

Inter-School Matches

WHSS takes parts in regular tournaments, honing the skills of our players and making them grow in confidence and stature. More matches means more accolades!


WHSS has a very wide assortment of sports so there is something for everyone. Trials are held to choose you for the right sport. 

Pink Liquid

Calling all Artists!

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Senses: The Fine Arts Society

The society for the creative. For the different. For those who break the borders of normalcy and routine. For those who express themselves through paints, pencils, pixels, pictures, sound and music. For those who the glass is always full. For them, WHSS presents Senses.

Testimonial from the Manager

"It meant a lot to me to be a Manager of probably the most creative of all Student Societies. The idea was to be different and explore new ideas. The feather in may cap was conducting ClickIt 2022, an inter-house photography competition which was well received by the student body. This journey of mine was full of self discovery, appreciation for all forms of art and the constant determination to make a difference. I thank WHSS and the Patron to for an opportunity to evolve into a better version of myself.

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Fasiha Adnan
Manager, Senses
Session 2021-22

How does Senses make you Grow?

Make some noise


Cicero: The Public Speaking Society

The spoken word is an important thing especially if delivered in the right way and this is exactly what Cicero is all about. Named after the great orator, Cicero creates a platform for public speaking where young orators are provided opportunities to hone their skills and stand out from the pack.

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Testimonial from the Manager

" I have a voice. These words are so powerful and I want those around me to embrace them. As a manager, i am proud of my achievements. From organizing the declamation at WHSS and ensuring that the level of participation is at a record high. Everyone wins because everyone has a voice. I thank WHSS for proving me the platform where i have the opportunity to harness talents".

Mishal Fatima
Manager, Cicero
Session 2021-22

Watch Mishal's Society Drive Video

Mishal introduces her society and lays down her plans for the future.

WHSS weaves its magic

Watch Muniza Furqani, O3 Commerce, weave the magic of her words in the 5th Inter-House Declamation at WHSS, for the Urdu Section. You will be moved!


Infinity and beyond!


Euclid: The Science Society

Science opens the mind and realms for humans to explore. It gives us humans pathways to tame the unknown. WHSS is proud of the young students who work tirelessly to make science fun an tangible. From quiz shows to exhibits, Euclid gives science buffs a platform to flaunt their knowledge an to learn more at the same time.

Testimonial by the Manager

"Science is fun. Engaging. This is the mantra i had for my society. And i think i was pretty successful by hosting a successful Quiz show around the different facets of science. This position taught me on how to deal with stress, uncertainties and most of all - budgets!

These life lessons are not a part of me  and for that i am forever thankful to WHSS"

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Hania Farhan
Manager, Euclid
Session 2021-22

Society Introduction by the Manager
Quizzical Mania 2022: Crown Jewel of Euclid

Euclid conducted Quzzical Mania, an Inter-house quiz event  based on Science.


Tolstoy: The Literary Society

Leo Tolstoy, author, GOAT! He inspired us enough to keep our literary society in his name.

Written words bring about revolutions. they inspire. They motivate. They move mountains and they become laws which govern our actions. With unprecedented quantities of data being streamed in and out, it is becoming imperative to stand out from the crowd. Tolstoy helps your literary skills to grow; whether it is your writing skills, the depth of your word bank or creativity,; we have something for everyone.

Society Introduction by the Manager
Inter-house Vocabulary Quiz

Wordistic 2022 was the flagship effect of Tolstoy. It used an online quiz tool to judge the vocabulary of students. This competition was designed to increase the word bank of students so that they are in a better position to express themselves. Explore the competition below and use the link given to test your own vocabulary.

In the name of your God, Read!

© 2023 by Wahaj Hussain's School System (WHSS)

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