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Heads and their Deputies 2022-23

Society Managers 2022-23

The SLC Report Card 2022 - 2023
Canvas Day @ WHSS
WHSS conducted its open canvas day. And true to its aim ALL students were asked to express themselves on the campus.
Society: Senses

WHSS Blackout
The most innovative event of the session where students created poetry by blacking out lines from the daily newspaper.
Society: Tolstoy

Click-It 2.0
The second edition of WHSS's hit inter-house photography competition was conducted and was participated in with renewed vigor and zeal by the students.
Society: Senses

WHSS Debate Court
A debate set in the style of court proceeding complete with a panel of lawyers, judges and jury.
Society: Cicero

Splash 2022
For the first time, the artwork of the students was displayed in an open exhibition where the winners were adjudged by the parents.
Society: Senses

WHSS Venture 2022
Bake Sale to instill entrepreneurial skills in our students. Students managed inventories, costs and their profit.
Society: Mankind
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